
Assange Arrest Imminent

Mark Winter12/03/2010 9:31:52 am PST

re: #541 Obdicut

The funny thing is that the women are not even making any charges against him, because making false charges is a crime in Sweden.

So they just “consult” with police and the prosecution then decides whether it thinks that this was rape, sexual coercion or whatever.

And despite several offers of Assange to be questioned while in Sweden, they say, no thank you, not necessary.

After several months Assange leaves Sweden, and before he leaves he asks the prosecution: Am I still needed for questioning. Am I free to go. They say, no, you are free to go.

And THEN they file a warrant, withdraw it the next day. Wait for more weeks.

And then when the material is released they suddenly ask Interpol to issue a red alert?

Sorry this smells.