
Overnight Open Thread

Hengineer2/19/2010 8:01:16 am PST

re: #549 Jadespring

Never played Total War but they do look good. I find I have to be really careful and just choose one or two games at a time and not let myself get a new one till they’re really played out. If not I don’t get anything done. :)

I probably will get Starcraft II when it comes out. I haven’t played Starcraft a whole lot. My cousin had it and I played a bit when I visited.

well any of the 3d Total War games have TONS of replayability, especially if you download mods. Europa Barbararoum has so much history added to the game its awesome, they use faction specific historical names: Carthage has been renamed to “Safot Softim BiQarthadast”, for example. I can’t wait to purchase Napoleon: Total War, the expansion to Empire: Total War (1700’s to 1800’s). Empire Total War was a total revamping of battle tactics. Tactics when you’re line infantry fires muskets instead of swinging swords is radically different.