
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Charles Johnson2/21/2009 11:24:46 am PST

re: #549 quickjustice

M. Scott Peck, a Christian psychiatrist, claimed that 99% of alleged cases of demonic possession were actually psychiatric illnesses, but that there was a troubling 1% that he thought were real. His book describes this phenomenon:

And your beliefs on these points, while reasonable, are ones upon which people of faith are likely to differ WITHOUT demanding that their contrary beliefs be taught in science class! ;-)

I have no doubt that there are people who think demons are real, and exorcisms can “drive them out.” I’m familiar with M. Scott Peck.

I think this viewpoint is atavistic, and extremely dangerous because it prevents people from getting the kind of help they really need, whether it’s psychological or medical.