
The Incredibly Dumb Nontroversy That Stopped Living And Got Even Dumber

Charles Johnson11/28/2009 1:47:51 pm PST

re: #563 woodentop

As I understand matters, the attribution of warming to human activity is an opinion of IPCC members, based on the absence of any other explanation and computer models which (on a circular basis) have the CO2 warming built in.

Clearly, you don’t understand matters at all. I’m probably wasting my time, because you’ve already demonstrated that you believe scientists are engaged in a conspiracy to defraud the public. But the FACTS are that there is a mountain of physical evidence, temperature measurements, sea ice measurements, etc., that has led the vast majority of climate scientists to accept that humans are causing global warming, by putting many gigatons of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Help me out here. I have a science degree (computing and physics) and I’m now a lawyer but I am failing to see the evidence for AGW. On the contrary, the indications are that this is a scam.

It’s not a scam. If you want to educate yourself instead of simply accepting the propaganda of climate change deniers, here’s a link at RealClimate to numerous sources of data; you could start there:

I suspect you’re going to just dismiss it, though.