
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Schroedinger's Dog10/02/2009 8:05:09 pm PDT

re: #556 PT Barnum

Curse my rusty HTML skills!

Print media— going away fast…should just go on line. It’s cheaper than print. Why subsidize wasting all that paper/killing all those trees?

Mail order companies/Ebay—can still deliver via UPS or Fed Ex.

The USPS is an outmoded, expensive, and unnecessary organization that has outlived its usefulness. It encourages the wasting of paper, energy, and taxes. Shouldn’t left leaning folks like the idea of reducing paper, saving energy, and reducing cutting of forests? The point of the postal service was to ensure communication for our country when modern means did not exist. We have other ways of doing that without them now.

As long as people read in the bathroom, magazines will be printed on paper :)

In all fairness, I don’t think you’ve proved your assertion by any means. You have certainly shown why you think the post office could be closed, but I don’t think you can currently prove that closing the Post Office would have zero effect on the economy, thus it stands to reason that your assertion is an exaggeration.