
President Obama Quotes Jimi Hendrix

b_sharp9/06/2010 8:50:57 pm PDT

re: #487 Walter L. Newton

What’s your problem B_sharp… never heard this before? “If you don’t agree with Obamacare, you’re racist”, if you don’t agree with this or that, you’re racist.

I have some of the most non-racist bones in my body you’ll ever see, and I’m getting tired of the implications.


Who called you a racist?

Whether something said is racist is dependent on the context and the intent of the speaker. It can be discerned from simple disagreement fairly easily by analyzing how and when/where the comment is spoken.

Simply stating that health care should not be government run isn’t racist, saying so while holding a sign with Obama’s face photoshopped into a primitive tribal shaman’s face is.