
Video: Skeptic vs. Creationist

scottishbuzzsaw2/27/2009 12:56:33 pm PST

re: #561 LudwigVanQuixote

A major flaw in the American character is that if an Olympic sprinter came up to the average American and said “I am probably much faster than you ” the average American would concede the point without argument. However, if Einstein were to come up and say “I am probably much smarter than you” the average person will flip out and shout “who do you think you are? Einstein?” Well, yes he does think he is Einstein, and he deserves a little respect - certainly more than the sprinter.

Very well said, and I believe it’s true as well. I do not have a college degree - life circumstances many years ago did not allow for such a delicious luxury - but I’ve spent the intervening decades pleasantly as an autodidact. What I greatly appreciate is the scientist or intellectual who can articulate their specialty in terms that a reasonably intelligent layperson can understand. I will never attain the depths that someone who has devoted long hours in both education and work has, or the depths of understanding I wish I were capable of, but I am very grateful for those who are so enthusiastic about discovery and knowledge that they generously endeavor to bridge the gap with folks like me.

And I do not understand those who desire to remain in ignorance or resent those who are capable of great things, intellectual or otherwise.