
Video: ShapeShifter

572 4:58:50 pm PST

re: #571 Jimmah

I have ‘bothered’ to read what you have written, that is one reason why your choice of words here seems bizarre to say the least.

You see, (as I think I made perfectly clear btw) I am not talking about your remarks about “general conservative ideology”. I am talking about what appears to be your attempt to absolve extremist rhetoric of blame.

If you had simply written about the unfairness of blaming “general conservative ideology” - without trying to simultaneously deflect blame from the rhetoric then I wouldn’t have had cause to take issue with what you said.

You wrote :

But I guess it’s just my ‘blind hatred’ that is making me see those words, right?

My statement may have been clumsily written; but I have nowhere tried to deflect from the heinousness of the rhetoric. Jared Lee Loughner responded to the heated rhetoric by arming himself and shooting Giffords and a bunch of other people. I have nowhere denied that.

It sure seems to me that you just actively search for opportunities to use words like “bizarre” and “blatant deflection” and other negatives in a response to something I’ve posted, rather than seeking a clarification from me, you just jump in with guns blazing. Have at it.