
Breaking: Prop 8 Overturned

Eclectic Infidel8/04/2010 5:03:38 pm PDT

re: #566 theheat

Heh. I have maybe four practicing Christians in my FB network. One I know for sure is a biblical literalist & fundamentalist who believes that Islam is Satanic, gay rights are a signal that the anti-Christ is coming, and that Jews are damned to hell if they reject Jesus. That aside, she’s a decent and caring person. A few years ago she sort of challenged me when I made some post about the same sex marriages in San Francisco, quoting something like “well what about our choice to choose?” Meaning that everyone else should have a say as to whether or not gay Americans should be able to wed in the first place. I simply responded with “Well, X, I’m sure glad that the Brown vs. Brd of Education” was decided at the court level and wasn’t a referendum. That ended that conversation with a resounding thud. I’ll see if she bothers to respond to my posts this time around.