
Overnight Ocean Thread

Scottish Dragon10/03/2009 11:28:56 am PDT

re: #576 poteen

Well which are the right wing groups?
The point is they are all violent groups who pose no threat to the POTUS or the govt. but to people and groups who they target. ELF, ALF, SLA, Weather all targeted govt. workers or govt funded institutions.

So did McViegh and Rudolph.
They both use guns and bombs.
You can draw a line at what constitutes ‘fringe’ whereever you want but the fact remains that violence comes from the rifle toting hate mongers AND the paper mache’ and rock toting hate mongers.

Uh huh.

Which one do you think is going to be effective? Dude with a gun or Bondage Leather Brett?

Right wing groups?

Various (well armed) militias. Any number of tax resistors, including the Freemen. The Birchers. For the religious racists there is always the Christian Identity Church. They tend to be well armed. The Klan. Others I suppose none of us have heard of.

I don’t know of any left wing militias. I think that is almost a contradiction in terms. I don’t know of left wing tax protesters who have stand offs with Federal marshals. I don’t know of any left wing groups that are stockpiling weapons. Do you? I have close friends in the militia movement, and they aren’t screwing around.

As I have said before:

Nobody was in the slightest bit concerned that a left winger fanatic was going to stage the next Oklahoma City bombing. There has been no real left wing terror group (possibly exception with ELF and just maybe the Puerto Rican nationalists) since the 70’s.

We all know the deal here. We saw it when the police had a shootout with two skinheads just after the inauguration(said to stockpiling guns for the next race war or whatever), and with the disgruntled guy who “wanted to kill some liberals” at a UU Church in Arkansas. Not to mention the neo Nazis who were arrested en route to Denver to hatch some plan to assassinate Obama during the Dem convention.