
Overnight Open Thread

vxbush8/08/2009 7:58:29 am PDT

re: #567 itellu3times

First, sympathies for your son, you and your family.

Second, I’m not sure what conclusions to draw from your story.

Even with the whole thing in the courts, which can’t improve anybody’s blood pressure (except the attorney’s), you still had a partial denial of service and had to bring your son home early. This is the current system. Do we want to improve it, or are we scared that any change will only make it worse?

My problem before is that I had no choice of health care when my son was injured. I was shoehorned into a particular policy provided by my employer. That’s different now, and I prefer the fact that I have a choice of providers and that freedom allows me to choose what level of healthcare is appropriate for me and my family.

What is coming down and being planned now is NO CHOICE, or very minimal choice. Ice Weasel, I’m sure you’ll disagree with me, but everything I’ve seen so far is that any bill being considered is going to reduce the number of choices available to me. That’s the wrong response.