
Strange Tales #143, March 1966

jaunte10/23/2010 9:20:35 pm PDT

The Washington Times is helping the freakout over shariah with their recent editorial “Islamic flag over the White House” prominently featuring radical activist Anjem Choudary.

Readers of the Times might go a little further in examining how much support Choudary actually commands in his own neighborhood before panicking:

Obviously I was never going to see eye to eye with the benefitchogging Muslim hate cleric Anjem Choudary, but I didn’t realise how many of his own community think he’s dreadful, too. Few of the cafes on his home turf — London’s East End — will accommodate the bearded 42-year-old firebrand and self-styled “most hated man in Britain”. Indeed, just after he flounces out of our interview in one of the few that will — a halal diner in Whitechapel — a waiter asks me: “Is that the coffin man? I can’t bear him. All he wants is fame, and the easiest way to get that is say that Christian people should be persecuted. I don’t see much difference between him and Nick Griffin.”