
Overnight Open Thread

Mad Prophet Ludwig8/14/2009 12:09:43 am PDT

re: #52 Gus 802

Yes, but I think that’s the crux of the problem: the duel between faith and reason. At least if one sees the interaction between the public and science. It’s become rather prominent in recent months.

I see science as working independently from the public as it should. There is no reason that the populace should understand since they are incapable of understanding since their prominent focus is with things regarding US magazine or misguided summaries from the internet.

Yes, but there are somethings that the public needs to understand if things will get better.

Believe me, I would love a world run only by people who passed some sort of magical goodness test and were also scientist, doctors, engineers or other types with real expertise in a discipline that requires actually understanding complicated things.

We do not however have the Greek Ideal of philosopher kings.

We have a republic. And it is also the job of scientists to try to reach out and explain - however painful it may be- wtf is going on for the greater good.

The worst place that the scientific community has failed is in this endeavor.

If we were better at this “part of the job” there would not be a creationist debate any more, average people would know basic math - and by basic math I mean calculus and people would get how science actually works well enough to know what is settled and what is still open.

Unfortunately, it is a tough job. Some of us are much better than others at it.

I am very popular with my students and I do well in front of a class-room, but Coracle for instance is a much more patient person when it comes to dealing with attacks from willfully blind types.