
Police Investigate Rep. Weiner's Contact with 17-Year Old Girl

elizajane6/11/2011 8:02:48 am PDT

re: #578 Killgore Trout

Wiener update: Weiner’s exchanges between teacher, teen revealed

So that probably explains why Fox News was already on the scene. It was probably reported to police by Fox and/or wingnut bloggers.

The Times has a story that prints more of the messages. It appears to me that this girl got a crush on him when he talked at her school (also, she was interested in going into politics) so she started “following” him and sending him notes.

This was then picked up (acc. the Times) by a conservative group who were following his tweets because they’d noticed he was corresponding with the porn star. They started harrassing her (the teen-ager). Weiner apologized to her and took her off his contacts list. But a month later he put out a general call for people interested in following him on Twitter and the teen-ager replied and was reconnected.

This says to me a few things. First, Weiner obviously knew he was being tracked by conservative groups out for his blood. Instead of being extra-careful, he continued to be, what, obsessed with virtual adoration on social media. But second, the messages he and this girl exchanged were only in any way inappropriate if you have a very, very dirty mind. I mean, I guess talking about Superman could be coded sex talk. But wow. The president of Italy invites hot underage girls to private parties at his home… and stays on. An American congressman responds on Twitter to a 17-year-old fan…. and is hounded out of office?

I read the post at Patterico and it’s a very embarrassing (to her) string of tweets from this girl about her crush on Weiner (sent to her friends, not to him) accompanied by a lot of completely unsubstantiated innuendo.