
Louisiana BOE Adopts New Policy Favoring Creationism

rondeldon1/16/2009 10:13:38 pm PST

re: #581 Sharmuta

Because evolutionary principles would say that which is beneficial to the species survives, and that which is harmful or rigid goes extinct. Human consciousness has evolved from at one point having a tribal chief, king, dictator, etc. as the preferred system of government to that of democracy and individual rights.

Human consciousness was evolved also when they believed slavery was right. What you believe is right or wrong today maybe different tomorrow. You are proving my point when you argue for what is right or wrong evolving. There is no objective right or wrong. So today even though we condemn Islam if they win the war on terror then tomorrow their views could be dominate and I guess right?

This is because democracy and individual rights have shown a positive benefit to the species, where as dictators have tended to be harmful.

The driving force is not necessarily survival of the species but survival of self and clan. A lion pride doesn’t care if all other lions are killed as long as their clan survives. Hitler wanted all Jews to be extinct. Today Muslims don’t care if all non-Muslims are extinct. There isn’t a concern for the human species per se, but a certain clan of the human species. And there are some forms of government that promotes the survival of a clan over the total species in general.

The concept of individual rights survives because it has allowed human consciousness to expand on our ideas of that which is morally right and wrong- such as slavery. Tyranny promotes the opposite and has been repeatedly found to harm the species. So- by evolutionary principles, it would seem to benefit our species to combat that which is harmful to it.

But wouldn’t it benefit our species if we killed all the sick, diseased, weak, and intellectually inferior humans? The strong survives and makes the species stronger! That was Hitler’s view because he was more consistent with living out the theory of evolution.