
The Latest Crazy Creationist Promo at the Craziest Right Wing Site

Charles Johnson9/16/2009 10:18:01 pm PDT

re: #582 Athens Runaway

I really hate to be that guy, but since when is “Crooks and Liars” considered to be a reliable source? Is this true just because ACORN’s press release said that was the case?

Why are we supposed to take Crooks & Liars, HuffPo, DailyKos… sites that we used to goof on and rightfully so, as being gospel truth now?

The story didn’t come from Crooks and Liars, it came from Newshounds. Yep, they’re lefties. But this looks completely credible to me.

When I saw that video, the first thing I thought was that she was putting them on. Turns out I was right.

This one is gonna leave a mark.