
NBC/WSJ Poll: Obama Leads Romney With African American Voters, 94% to ZERO

Lidane8/23/2012 3:11:22 pm PDT

re: #38 Mattand

I’d be curious as to how many of them partied it up before settling down. Regardless of gender, the people I know who caroused the hardest are the ones that became the staunchest conservatives.

I often wonder that myself. I’ve known a few folks who were either on the cusp of alcoholism or just massive party types and now they’re the exact opposite. The few addicts I’ve known in the past become the biggest religious conservatives and/or No Fun Types once they get into rehab and get clean.

It’s almost like they switch from one addiction (booze, pills, etc.) for another, whether it’s religion, or exercise or politics.

A mutual acquaintance has him pegged perfectly: he feels a ton of guilt for all the things he did as a kid and is now scrambling to get into heaven.

Pretty much, yeah. That pegs an uncle of mine perfectly. He used to be a heavy smoker and moderate drinker. Now he’s a teetotaler who goes to church several days a week and who talks endlessly about being saved by the Lord.