
Silver Surfer #1, 'The Origin of the Silver Surfer' (August 1968)

ryannon4/22/2010 8:21:08 am PDT

re: #402 lawhawk

Re lawhawk’s post yesterday on the prohibition of the burka in France (and my answer): it’s a proposed law calling for the total prohibition of the burka in all public places - just as lawhawk said. I had commented that I believed that it would still be tolerated on the street (but nowhere else) sort of like a Halloween costume, but in fact it’s a total prohibition. Sort of the opposite of the law that forbids people from strolling around nekkid outside.

But the important thing to remember is that it’s a potential rather than a done deal. As autocratic as the French Presidency is, there are still two functioning legislative bodes here, equivalent to the Senate and the House of Representatives. Getting it passed could be difficult, and it won’t be voted upon for months. Even if it is passed, there’s something analogous to the Supreme Court here which statutes on law considered unconstitutional - meaning that nothing can be said to be finished until the Fat Lady sings the Marseillaise - which may turn out to be never. We shall see in due time.

It’s also a question of party politics, but that would make for a much longer post.