
Rand Paul: Israeli Foreign Aid is 'Welfare'

Lidane2/04/2011 9:46:51 pm PST

re: #597 marjoriemoon

Ugh! I find it shockingly surprising that there are some men folk here that are this threatened about an independent woman.

Just because she CAN leave you doesn’t mean she WILL unless you’re a moron.

My father was not that kind of man, thank goodness and he was born in 1926. He helped me become independent and self-confident (my mom, too).

I’ve had no choice but to be independent. I don’t know anything else. I had to pretty much raise myself in a lot of ways, and now, I’m putting myself through grad school on my own.

The ideal of having a dad around is nice and all, but I’ll never understand it. I didn’t know my dad at all, so I have nothing to relate to in that regard.