
The Obligatory iPhone 4 Review

What, me worry?8/06/2010 10:05:13 pm PDT

re: #595 Floral Giraffe

I think a lot of people got “caught” by suprise with the economic downturn. They had no savings, or not much, and no back up plans. I know my BIL was out of work for over 5 years. When push came to shove, he took a job. It’s not what he WANTED, but it pays the bills. Ojoe, has taken a similar job. So, there is work, if you are willing to take what is available.

Prior to 2000, most people lived above their means. That wasn’t any great shocker. Even in the 80’s when I made $300/week, the only way I could afford to live was to charge to credit cards. That’s living in a one room efficiency. I drove a Chevy Monza. So this whole “blame the poor” mentality is beyond me.