
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk4/28/2009 7:37:26 am PDT

re: #597 Dark_Falcon

No… most of the country is seeing the economy improve, and therefore the outlook of the country is improving.

It has little to do with the President, and the President will take the credit, regardless of the merit of any of the actions taken by the President.

Let’s keep in mind that the stimulus has barely begun to act, and if things are improving without it, just wait until it kicks in. Then Obama will be crowing 24/7/365 about how his economic plan has brought the economy roaring back - ignoring the massive red hole of debt he’s created in his wake.

That too is something most people are ignoring. They don’t understand the repercussions of such massive debt, since they have nothing on which to compare the level of spending to.