
XKCD: The Revolutionary

Spare O'Lake12/14/2009 9:54:02 am PST

re: #600 LudwigVanQuixote

I hear you, but given that our emissions are truthfully leading to a global catastrophe (and of course we are not alone in the act) it strikes me as an offence. In fact it is the greatest crime against humanity in our entire history. The consequences of not doing anything will be human suffering on a scale never before seen. This is just reality.

Make no doubt, if we can’t find the resolve to take proper action in time, mother nature will do her thing. She really doesn’t care what we call it. She really does not care how many millions of us perish. I am not trying to make hippy speak there. I am actually coldly telling you that physics equations are not emotional beings. They have no pity. The rocket lands where it’s ballistic trajectory pointed to. If you plug in the right conditions, the laws of nature do their thing and you can not avoid the consequences. If you are religious, you might believe that God might perform a miracle to save you. After looking at human history, I find that speculation on what God will and will not allow in terms of superseding the laws of nature is a foolish bet. He is perfectly willing to let nature take it’s course if you jump in front of a train.

I am really serious. If we don’t fix this offence to future generations now, we will be the most cursed generation since the generation of the flood.
Children two generations from now will curse our memories. Offence is actually too mild a word.

I suggest we all get down on our knees (figuratively) and pray that Pres. Obama suddenly grows the balls to stare down the blackmailing bloodsuckers.