
2012 Democratic National Convention: Day One, Thread Three, Michelle Obama Edition

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)9/05/2012 9:01:54 am PDT

re: #608 Big Steve

I vote for the person, not the party. I doubt any President ever looks at their party platform once in office.

That’s a really fucking bizarre statement, I’m sorry. You really think that the policies of the GOP and the fact that Romney is the nominee of the GOP have no relation?

Okay, how about Romney saying he’d be delighted to sign a bill banning all abortion in the US? That puts Romney squarely in the crazy GOP crackpot camp, anyway. And you don’t need to refer to the GOP plank. That’s Romney on his own, wanting to criminalize all abortion.

Why complain about him being lumped in with the crazy crackpots when he has crazy crackpot positions like criminalizing all abortion?