
Rand Paul: Israeli Foreign Aid is 'Welfare'

lostlakehiker2/04/2011 9:55:35 pm PST

re: #585 marjoriemoon

A good time was not had by all. A good time was had by men.

Women did not have the right to leave bad and/or abusive relationships. It wasn’t up until the 50s that a woman could even get a divorce on her own. You had to move to Vegas and establish 6 months residence, and only then could you file alone.

That’s not the way it went back in Kansas, back in the 50s and before. A woman could go her own way if the husband didn’t treat her right. Perhaps the law said that there had to be grounds for divorce, but abuse is, and was then, grounds.

As to leaving affairs, which is what I was talking about when I spoke of “good time was had by all”, those were always arrangements that either side could walk away from for any reason or none at all.

re: #597 marjoriemoon

Ugh! I find it shockingly surprising that there are some men folk here that are this threatened about an independent woman.

Just because she CAN leave you doesn’t mean she WILL unless you’re a moron.

My father was not that kind of man, thank goodness and he was born in 1926. He helped me become independent and self-confident (my mom, too).

Well that’s great. But it illustrates my point. It is better if men are trained to consider it important that they be a father to their children, that their children need that attention and help. That the mother needs help, even if she doesn’t need money help. The idea isn’t that women should have to stay, but that men should feel that they ought to stay.