
NPR: Snowden May Have Stolen 1.7 Million NSA Documents

sagehen12/17/2013 6:27:20 pm PST

re: #38 spiderx

Okay, so he didn’t expose any NSA secret programs now? Gotcha

Look, if he would have stayed in the US instead of fleeing to Russia then I’d be calling him a hero. If it wasn’t for Snowden we wouldn’t have known that every single one of our emails was being collected and mined for meta data and who knows what else.

He’s a bad guy for fleeing to Russia and probably for releasing more than he should have. But it’s not black and white. A lot of what he did release exposed NSA wrongdoing. And that’s a good thing.

He gave Russia and China the entire contents of an NSA contractor’s data collection. All of it.

Whatever you think the US govt didn’t have the right to… now the Russian and Chinese govts have it. Does that really make you sleep better?