
Overnight Open Thread

yma o hyd6/22/2009 7:37:31 am PDT

re: #523 wahabicorridor

mornin’ darls!

I see Gordon Brown has agreed to turn over London’s financial regualtion to the EU.

I expect Obama will agree to the same shortly.

Hiya, {wahabicorridor}!

He is also, according to a number of ‘in-the-know’ journalists, not calling an early election because he wants the infamous ‘Lisbon Treaty’ ratified in European countries (Ireland have a referendum!) before the Tories take over, so they cannot ask us, the people, if we agree to have our rights curtailed.
Never mind that an election next year will see the demise of Labour as a Part - he’s doing what his black eminence, Peter Mandelson, wants.

Meanwhile, Parliament is electing a new speaker today - and the fix (by the Labour whips) is in …
They think we’re all too stupid to notice …