
Overnight Open Thread

jcm6/01/2009 7:29:07 am PDT

re: #603 Flyers1974

I’ve seen watermelon mentioned here before, I can’t remember what it means. As for the rest of yours, you are preaching to the choir - I have ZERO problem with nuclear power. Unless I’m missing something, it seems to be a solution to many problems. I refer to the the average Democrat who is against it based on unfounded fear.

Watermelons. Green on the outside, red on the inside.

If you start digging into the green movement you’ll find a lot of the same people in the nuclear freeze movement, and lots of ties with various extreme leftists and organizations.

Compare the long term goals of these leftist and the solutions proposed by many greens and again you’ll find a lot of correlation in solutions, state control or more and more.

I’m not at all against responsible stewardship of the environment.

What I am against is selling Liberty to others who think they know better than the rest of us. I’m against keeping the 3rd world from lifting themselves out of their misery for the misguided idea of the noble savage.