
Overnight Open Thread

darthstar6/14/2010 8:02:47 am PDT

re: #615

And I’m thinking the citizen, student or not, has a right to ask a question, the the Congressman should just answer it.

There’s a way to answer it:

“I’m not sure what you mean by Obama’s agenda, but I do support a, b, c, d, whatever, because I believe it’s what my consituents want and I believe it’s in their best interest for me to support those things”.

Period. End of it.

The politicians are (or should be) well practiced in the art of answering leading questions. My question is why the immediate hostility from the congressman?

There’s a break in the tape. The full, unedited version might be helpful. Still, if I was a congressman, I’d expect assholes like that in this day and age, and give them a stock response like “Are you wearing make-up?” or “Hi mom!” to all of their questions.