
Free Republic Says I 'Support Violence Against American Citizens'

Charles Johnson8/08/2009 11:57:24 am PDT

Oh, for Pete’s sake. I just clicked through to Free Republic again, and now they’re posting screenshots of my comment, because they’re just sure I’m going to delete it to try to hide the evidence. Morons.

Here’s the comment. I stand by every word in it.

If the talking point is going to be that the demonstrators were just exercising their right to free speech and they were unjustly attacked by union thugs, I’m sorry, but I’m not gonna jump on that train.

There may have been union thugs there, but what I see in these videos of the event is a whole lot of people acting like idiots, shouting down speakers, ranting like loons, and behaving a lot like … yes, a mob. A lot of those people clearly went there with the intention of disrupting the event.