
Your Nightly Palin Tweef

ausador11/19/2010 6:54:13 pm PST

Sorry for the early OT:

Tony Perkins the president of the “Family Research Council” has written an article that says that Blacks and Hispanics are too bigoted to serve alongside openly gay soldiers. Since (according to him) they will leave the military in massive numbers if “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” is repealed, that means we will have to bring back the draft..

No really, I’m serious, I wish it was just a very bad and tasteless joke, but it isn’t.

He even pre-emptively disputes the findings of the yet to be released survey of military members feelings about Gays serving openly and calls on Congress to disbelieve it’s findings for various non-sensical reasons.

Seems a bit strange to be advocating continuing discrimination against Gays for Racist and Foreignly Motivated Nationalistic reasons doesn’t it? Is it just me or does that seem to reek of clutching at straws? Straws that you have completely disavowed and distanced yourself from in earlier writings to boot.

My Gracious God, I hope he finds some pity for Tony Perkins when he comes to judgment. (really, I do)