
Colbert Encapsulates Palin

SanFranciscoZionist1/19/2011 10:19:58 pm PST

re: #568 Mr Pancakes

I never really got the whole nationwide redo of the health care system… Why didn’t they just create a program for the 20 million people (or so) that doesn’t have coverage like me?

Because a lot of the people who do have coverage are holding on to it by the skin of their teeth, and paying extortionate rates.

My favorite health insurance moment, BTW, came when my father’s Kaiser coverage rates skyrocketed in the mid-eighties.

He called to ask why. The guy said that the rates had been raised on ‘men in your zip code’.

My father thought about this for a bit, and then said, “If I give you a sworn affidavit that I have been faithfully married to a woman for twenty years and have a subscription to Playboy, can I get my rates back down?”

The guy said, “Sir, I have no idea what you’re talking about.”