
An Attack on the Existence of Labor Unions

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/19/2011 2:34:08 pm PST

re: #629 BryanS

In pure votes, sure they will. On the order of 2 million votes cast in last election in Wisconsin.

Now, to prove your contention, provide the number of those votes that were from union members.

But it’s not primarily their numbers, it is the large percentage of union dues that go into political campaigns, and the use of the pool of labor for get out the vote and campaigning efforts.

Compare that with the amount of money spent by corporations and their front groups like the Chamber of Commerce.

Yes, unions use money to influence elections. That’s the system we have, even more so post-Citizen’s United. I’m really weirded out that somehow people have decided that it’s unions are uniquely doing so.