
Was Rep. Weiner's Account Hacked? The Question is Irrelevant

Charles Johnson6/02/2011 9:07:29 am PDT

I got more than a dozen hate mails overnight, all like this one:

So which Soros funded organization pays your bills? It certainly can’t
be this shitty blog. What a farce you are! You are a person with no
alligences but to himself! P.O.S.!

This Weiner guy can’t even deny whether it is a picture of his junk or
not. So that tells me he does take pictures of his unit and distribute
it on the internet and that shows a incredible lack of good judgement.
Do you really want this type of jackass making policy desisions for us??
Well, apparently you do by your defense of this “alleged” derelict.

Right wingers are so cute when they’re apoplectic with rage.