
Gabrielle Giffords Launches Effort to Fight Gun Violence and the Pro-Gun Lobby

Testy Toad T1/08/2013 12:23:27 pm PST

re: #60 Political Atheist

I mostly agree. But it is not easier than a car. I can buy a used car and register it without any background check. I do not have to be licensed to drive to own the car. I can buy a new car-No background check. I can buy a car that goes 200 mph. Nobody checks my record. Legally-Felons can buy cars. Not guns.

I’ve never bought a firearm, so I speak out of uncertainty. Aren’t all of these caveats (edit: aside from the felon-purchase part) true of gun-show purchases?

So it’s as easy to buy as a car, but easier to use legally than a car.