
Overnight Open Thread

realwest4/28/2009 7:43:01 am PDT

re: #599 jcm
Good morning jcm - I’m sitting here wondering why y’all are wasting bandwidth on him?
He clearly understands nothing about our Constitutional form of government, is ready to proclaim Obama the bestest president evah after a less than sparkling 120 days in office, no doubt suffered SO MUCH from BDS he wouldn’t credit Bush with keeping America safe for seven long years after 9/11, for ending a despotic and murderous regime in Iraq and for running up deficits because of a) Katrina and Gustav b) fighting two wars contemporaneosly and bringing democracy to Iraq and c) Democrats (and some Republicans) adding on pork project after pork project to his budget bills - and then threatening to over ride his veto if he used it, and LOVES the idea of Obama’s budget projecting an almost TWO TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT - cause, ya know, he’s thinking of the children.