
Overnight Open Thread

shanec996/28/2009 8:20:12 am PDT

re: #622 Sharmuta

But the IDers keep promoting their agenda because not everyone realizes the scientific debate has no merit. This is why scientists are still having to battle them. They use lies to promote themselves, and if others didn’t point this out, then the IDers get a free pass, and that’s worse than the debate.

To date I have not met any educated person who believes that ID has a scientific basis. People “believe” it because it is part of the earliest creation story they learned in Sunday school, but they recognize that the idea belongs in Sunday School and not Chemistry, biology or Physics class.
To debate people who dogmtically defend ID as science is about as useful as debating that the world is flat with a person who is scientifically illiterate and adheres slavishly to that point of view. It is an exercise in futility and not worthy of consideration.