
Overnight Open Thread

razorbacker2/15/2009 6:51:20 am PST

One of my neighbors stopped by yesterday to borrow my block and tackle and I saw that he had a pickup bed loaded with MREs and bottled water. I asked, “What’s up with that, Big C?”

He answered that FEMA was giving them away, all you had to do was go by the fire station.


Well, they were emergency supplies due to the ice storm and related damages. There are still about a thousand houses without power from the storm of the last week of January.

“But those people aren’t able to get to the fire stations to pick up the supplies” I retorted.

“It’s the government in action.” Big C replied.

And so it is. Giving unneeded emergency supplies to folks well after the fact that don’t need the help, while ignoring the people who do need help because it’s easier to establish a centralized aid depot in areas that are in recovery.

I blame Bush.