
Overnight Open Thread

nyc redneck2/27/2009 6:39:50 am PST

re: #577 Afrocity

Okay that’s it. I am writing to Michael Steele. The GOP members of color need to be more vocal. I want to make a television ad. This is PISSSING ME OFF. So I am an uncle tom too I guess. I am gonna do something about this.

there are a lot of people who don’t know that for 200 yrs. it was the dems. who terrorized black people w/ lynchings and segregation. the KKK was a terrorist arm of the dem party.
the msm needs to ask the dems to apologize for their racist past.
which is still going on. treating african americans, now like children is a stealth way to keep control.
look how pathetic that old gal was begging O for a kitchen,
that was infuriating and heartbreaking.
it’s not supposed to be this way in america.