
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel12/19/2009 12:26:07 am PST

Fox News: Ben Nelson Opposes Health Reform Because He ‘Understands The True Meaning Of Christmas’

Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE) is still refusing to support Senate health care reform legislation, with his main objection being that the bill doesn’t restrict women’s rights enough by severely limiting access to abortions. Today on Fox News, host Steve Doocy and analyst Peter Johnson, Jr. lauded Nelson for his “moral” stance. But they then went even further, arguing that Nelson is obstructing progress because he “understands the true meaning of Christmas” — unlike all the immoral people who want to make sure that Americans have access to quality, affordable health care as soon as possible.

Let it never be said that the political system, left and right, doesn’t understand the true meaning of Festivus. Let the airing of grievances begin!*

*comment semi-plagiarised from someone wittier than I in the comments section there.