
And Now for a Baby Sumatran Orangutan

realwest7/03/2009 7:27:16 am PDT

re: #644 revobob
” And have you ever done the common hunting ritual of eating deer or mountain sheep liver raw as you field dress the critter?”
Ah, no, no I haven’t. I actually don’t like going hunting the way most folks seem to do it anyway.
Get up at the crack of dawn (actually before the crack of dawn - during pre-dawn) start drinking, loading rifles (or shotguns, depending on what you’re hunting) and then tramp across fields over (or under) fences all day hoping for a shot at a deer.
Or climbing up to a perch and waiting for the deer to come to you - or the salt lick you’ve put out - and then blasting ‘em from there.
Nope, except for the booze and beer and perches, reminds me TOO much of being in the Army!
Back when I could actually get around pretty much on my own, I really enjoyed hunting deer with a camera - no telephoto lens either - just to see whether or not I’d kept my fieldcraft abilities going.