
Overnight Open Thread

haakondahl6/28/2009 8:28:17 am PDT

re: #633 Pianobuff

Whoa, cowboy. First off, I haven’t said you are a crypto-leftist, but perhaps your comment was directed at someone else. I think the most revealing thing is the willingness for R’s to over-obsess about how to play (and how well we are playing) defense on this kind of stuff. Palin tried to make light of it. I think she did fine. You do not. Fine.

Having said that, you know well that PDS is pervasive among some R’s too, so party line is not a distinguishing factor. There are people on both sides of the aisle that can’t stand her. What is your personal opinion of Palin?

I am curious though… since this all started with Palin’s reaction to Kerry’s insult - Was her response an example of a disgusting failure? Is Palin a disgusting failure?

Absolutely not, on both counts.

I’m just trying to understand how you moved from the original topic to your post above.

I expanded scope from a specific point to a thread of criticism I keep encountering here, every time I take a Republican to task for something. In your comment, which I am fairly sure was directed at me, you said that criticism of Palin rather than Kerry revealed more about me than Palin, or someting quite close too that. The insinuation is not a good one, and I am pleased to report that I am not “that guy”.