
Overnight Ocean

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/30/2009 12:46:19 pm PST

re: #656 Claire

It’s not a canard if I can see for myself photos of the actual stations in each town right next to a house! …

So my talking points are:
The stations mostly show warming, though not exactly hockey-stick like.
We need more and better stations.

Ooohhh, sounds just like DENIAL!!! I’m a tool!

It is a canard, despite your anecdotal evidence.

Your interpretation of the data is incorrect. We have mounds of data, from land and ground based stations, from sattelites, and from other sources.

But again: Follow the link I gave you, and you’ll find well-sourced, well-explained evidence that the temperature record, as it exists, is more than reliable enough.