
Overnight Open Thread

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)2/19/2010 8:31:24 am PST

re: #648 Hengineer

Nothing like a bridge battle to make one feel like the best damn general ever.

Oh, and I also had a king that lived to be 107. And at age 104 I was transporting him, with just his bodyguard unit, and he got ambushed by an enemy army consisting of spearmen, archers, and cavalry sergeants, two of each unit.

His unit demolished the archers, KOed the first sergeants, which made one group of spearmen rout and they picked off those but got stuck by the other spearmen and cavalry. Pretty soon it was just the 107 year old king against 74 spearmen and 22 enemy cavalrymen.

Who he proceeded to kill one by one over the course of fifteen minutes.

Now that’s a goddamn king.