
Pakistan Surrendering

Afrocity2/16/2009 7:56:25 pm PST

re: #628 UberInfidel67

Pretending it didn’t happen isn’t healthy. And what of all the children out there who were adopted? At least their mothers chose life, but it is still hard to not know who you are or where you came from.

I don’t like teen pregnancy. But, if my daughter were to have a baby, I wouldn’t ship her off somewhere and pretend it didn’t happen. I would do everything I could to help take care of the new life. I know quite a few of her friends that have babies. It happens. It is NOT a good idea. Many are still with the daddy and a few have married. I wouldn’t want someone to get married just because they were having a baby though.

On that note please if you adopt .. Adopt in the USA. Many sibling sets and yes not many new borns but a child needs a chance…Many pics with stories.adopt