
Ridiculous Right Wing Nontroversy of the Day

Guanxi8812/23/2009 4:13:16 pm PST

re: #656 obdicut

You have such a bizarre view of what UC Berkeley is like. There aren’t Mao shirts at Berkeley. There are Che shirts. Because that’s fashionable. There really aren’t as many as you think there are, either. And you’re still talking about a vanishingly small, politically impotent bunch of people.

Vlaams Belang is a political party with actual seats at the fucking table in Belgium. They actually have representation in the Belgian legislature.

Che shirts are fashionable. So be it.

mao is cool and to be quoted without concern for repercussions, because we certainly have no current instances of approving uses of the man’s image, iconography, or teachings.

We leave it where it is.