
Overnight Open Thread

realwest6/16/2009 6:49:59 am PDT

re: #643
Good morning reine and first of all, as I hope I said last night/ earlier today - THANK YOU for your work on getting those tweetered or texted messages out from Iran for us to view.
Secondly, those US Tweeters were right in a sense; no one expects the US to go to war with Iran over the elections and short of the threat of Military Force the only thing I think Obama could have and should have said was that he was unwilling to meet with the representatives of such a repressive regime as that controlling Iran right now. Of course, that would never happen as Obama doesn’t have it in him to do that. But he SHOULD have said it; talks aren’t going to get us anywhere anyway and it was a chance for him and through him, all of us, to stand up and be counted.