
Overnight Open Thread

SixDegrees8/08/2009 8:38:10 am PDT

re: #652 Pianobuff

Well, you’ve even got Noonan saying that it’s starting to look like desperation. Is this what things look like when Obama doesn’t get his way - which again makes no sense because they have the supermajorities. The Dems right now aren’t acting very rationally IMO.

They’re demonizing Republicans in order to prime the pump in case their own party fractures and scuttles the health care bill - which is not unlikely. The Dems own the Federal government, but they can’t even get their own party to buy into this fiasco, let alone build a consensus. When it doesn’t pass, or passes with key components favored by the extreme Left missing, they need someone to blame who isn’t a Democrat, despite how irrational that is.