
Chesler on Honor Killings

Sharmuta2/17/2009 6:16:36 pm PST

re: #63 Sharmuta

And this point highlights what Dr Chesler taught me and I refer to as femal misogyny.

This brings me to the point made by ‘yesandno’ in #42. It is the women who need to stop perpetrating this culture. Until they start to demand the respect for themselves and daughters, little will change.

An example of this come from China, and the practice of foot binding. Once Chinese women stood up for their daughters, the practice was gone within a few generations.

This misogyny in islamic cultures can also been seen concerning FGM. Often times, it’s the mothers and/or grandmothers insisting on this practice. Women enable the patriarchies that keep them down.

And it’s this sort of female misogyny that I keep trying to get people to read more about when I promote Dr Chesler’s book, Woman’s Inhumanity to Woman.