
Desert Weather

Guanxi881/22/2010 10:05:38 am PST

See, everybody romanticizes the ‘shiner’s life, but when you get down to it, it’s a helluva lotta work and hassle for cheap-ass corn whiskey. There’s a rather inflexible demand for booze, though, and even stew-bums gotta drink.

“baccy, on the other hand, is a real moneymaker. All you need is the know-how and nice judgment to avoid the revenuers on that one. People treat ‘baccy like it’s gold (which it is), but truth is, most folk wouldn’t know what a barn full of the stuff looked like, and would have no idea how to make it smokeable.

Usury requires start-up capital, and is heavily “regulated” by what I like to think of as Non-Governmental Organizations. Still, it’s a fairly easy gig, all things considered.