
Midday Open Thread

Clubsec6/22/2009 4:35:18 pm PDT

Let’s be clear on this whole who is to blame when when did it commense.
Allow me to suggest, Janurary 30th, 2007 that is the date of effect when the Democrat Party took control of BOTH houses of Congress. Right?
They have been complete control of the economy since that time.
Remember ‘The President proposes, the Congress disposes.’
Bush (‘i lost my veto pen’) didn’t spend one friggin’ dime without congressional approval.
The rise and rate of the govenrnmental intervention has accelerated from that date forward. Thanks to ObamUH we are now in OVERDRIVE.

Who ran congress when they RETROACTIVELY enacted a tax increase?

Let everyone be reminded that the Bush tax cuts are going to EXPIRE next year and be retroactively effective to THIS YEAR. Get it?

As ObamUH said to his Hollywack cronies: “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

And ABC is going to broadcast ‘news’ from the White House for cryin’ out loud! (aka GE) … and the rest of the FMSM (sans Fox perhaps) is filled with envy and jealousy. A safe bet is that either C B.S. or NBC (Natural BArry Communiator) is working a deal or two for sweeps week.

OK I’m done … gonna look for some scotch.